
Vat Tax Number Al Rajhi Bank 15 Digit

Value-added tax is an indirect tax imposed on all goods and services that are purchased and sold by establishments, with some exceptions. Value-added tax is applied in more than 160 countries around the world, as it is considered a basic source of income that contributes to strengthening countries budgets, Al Rajhi Bank has its own value added tax number consisting of 15 numbers.

Vat Tax Number Al Rajhi Bank 15 Digit

Vat tax number Al Rajhi Bank 15 digit announced buly Al Rajhi bank is 300000434710003, as this tax number is requested from customers when conducting many Al Rajhi Bank transactions.

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Features of Vat tax Al Rajhi bank

Below you can find out features of vat tax Al Rajhi bank:

  • Sharia Complaint Financing.
  • Competitive Annual Percentage Rate.
  • Ability to finance the advance payment.
  • Ability to delay the finance principle and deduct part of the monthly installment (profits only) during the construction period up to a maximum of 24 months.
  • Step up financing solution on various products.
  • Military support feature for the advance payment is up to SR 140,000 according to the admission criteria of the program.
  • Civil support for advance payments of up to SR 140,000 (age 50 and over) according to the admission criteria of the program.
  • Calculate the amount of residential support as part of the customer’s income.
  • Annual Percentage Rate starts from 5.82% for Ijarah products.
  • Management fees equal to 1% of finance amount or 5,000 riyal whichever is less


Al Rajhi Bank in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is interested in providing all services to its customers, whether residents, residents or businessmen, as well as answering the inquiries of these customers and providing assistance to them regarding the various banking services of Al Rajhi Bank.

Questions & Answers

What is the tax number for Al Rajhi Bank?

What is the tax number for Al Rajhi Bank?

The tax number of Al Rajhi Bank is 300000434710003.

When should account information be updated at Al Rajhi Bank?

When should account information be updated at Al Rajhi Bank?

The account data at Al Rajhi Bank must be updated in the event of a change or modification in the account holder’s data.

Is it possible to update account information at Al Rajhi Bank?

Is it possible to update account information at Al Rajhi Bank?

Yes, the account information at Al Rajhi Bank can be updated through the Al Rajhi Bank website.

What is the SWIFT code of Al Rajhi Bank?

What is the SWIFT code of Al Rajhi Bank?

Al Rajhi Bank's SWIFT code is RJHISARI.

What is Al Rajhi customer service number for new customers?

What is Al Rajhi customer service number for new customers?

New customers can contact Al Rajhi customer service at 8001241222.