
Iqama Renewal in Saudi Arabia

All residents of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia must renew their Iqama through one of the methods specified by the government, whether by renewing Iqama through the sponsor, or through the method of renewing Iqama without kafeel.

Iqama Renewal in Saudi Arabia through Absher business

You can renew your Iqama in Saudi Arabia through Absher business platform, follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: visit Absher business platform “from here“.
  • Step 2: Enter the data required to login for the employer, which are:
    • User name or ID number.
    • Password.
  • Step 3: Click on “login” option.

Iqama Renewal in Saudi Arabia through Absher business

  • Step 4: Enter the verification code that was received by text message on the mobile phone registered in Absher.
  • Step 5: Click on “login” option.
  • Step 6: Choose “my business Services” from the side menu.
  • Step 7: click on “renew Iqama” option.
  • Step 8: View the terms and conditions of the service.
  • Step 9: click on “next” option.
  • Step 10: Select the establishment where the worker whose Iqama is registered is to be renewed.
  • Step 11: Select the worker whose Iqama is to be renewed from the facility’s employee list.
  • Step 12: Click on “renew Iqama” option.
  • Step 13: Determine the required renewal period.
  • Step 14: Activate the “Agree to all terms and conditions” option.
  • Step 15: Click on “renew” option.
  • Step 16: Pay the fees and click on “Confirm” option.

See more: list of transferable Iqama profession | Iqama profession code list | Iqama transfer rules | check Iqama transfer status | Iqama late renewal fine amount

Iqama Renewal in Saudi Arabia through Muqeem

You can renew your Iqama in Saudi Arabia through Muqeem platform, follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Visit Muqeem platform “from here“.
  • Step 2: Enter the data required to login, which is:
    • User name.
    • Password.
  • Step 3: Click on “login” option.

Iqama Renewal in Saudi Arabia through Muqeem

  • Step 4: Enter the verification code that was received by text message on the mobile phone registered in Absher..
  • Step 5: Click on “continue” option.
  • Step 6: Choose “Search for a resident” from the resident management option.
  • Step 7: Enter Iqama number in the designated field.
  • Step 8: Click on “search” option.
  • Step 9: Click on the “eye symbol” next to the resident’s name.
  • Step 10: Select “Iqama renewal” from the Passport Services menu.
  • Step 11: Determine the required renewal period.
  • Step 12: Click on “continue” option.
  • Step 13: Pay the required fees.
  • Step 14: Click on “renew Iqama” option.
  • Step 15: Enter the verification code that was received by text message on the mobile phone of the company’s account on the Muqeem platform.
  • Step 16: Click on “confirm” option.

Iqama Renewal in Saudi Arabia without Kafeel

You can renew your Iqama without Kafeel through Absher platform for individuals, follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: go to Absher platform for individuals “from here“.
  • Step 2: Enter the data required to login, which are:
    • Username or ID number.
    • Password.
  • Step 3: Click on “login” option.

Iqama Renewal in Saudi Arabia without Kafeel

  • Step 4: Enter the verification code that was received by text message on your mobile phone.
  • Step 5: Complete the login process.
  • Step 6: Click on “My Services” option.
  • Step 7: click on “passports“.
  • Step 8: Click on “Resident Identity Services” option.
  • Step 9: Determine the required renewal period.
  • Step 10: Complete the renewal process according to the instructions.

Iqama Renewal in Saudi Arabia Conditions

You can learn about condition for renewing Iqama in Saudi Arabia, through the following conditions:

  • Pay the residency fees for the required period.
  • There are no unpaid traffic fines recorded against the specified beneficiary.
  • Having a valid passport.
  • The beneficiary must not be registered as absent from work.
  • Having a fingerprint and a photo of the resident.
  • Iqama must not have expired more than six months ago.
  • Having valid medical insurance.

Iqama Renewal in Saudi Arabia link

You can renew Iqama in Saudi Arabia through the Absher Business platform through the following link absher.sa. The Qiwa platform also provides the possibility of renewing Iqama through the following link muqeem.sa, while Iqama in Saudi Arabia can be renewed without a sponsor through the Absher platform for individuals through the following link absher.sa.

Questions & Answers

Is it possible to renew Iqama in Saudi Arabia for those outside the Kingdom?

Is it possible to renew Iqama in Saudi Arabia for those outside the Kingdom?

Yes it is possible to renew Iqama for those outside the Kingdom electronically.

How much is the fine for not renewing Iqama before the end of the legal period for renewal?

How much is the fine for not renewing Iqama before the end of the legal period for renewal?

The fine for not renewing Iqama within the period specified for renewal is 500 Saudi riyals for the first time, 1,000 Saudi riyals for the second time, and 1,000 Saudi riyals with deportation of the resident for the third time.

How can I inquire about the validity of Iqama?

How can I inquire about the validity of Iqama?

You can inquire about the validity of your Iqama permit by accessing the Absher platform, the Iqama validity inquiry service.

Can a worker whose Iqama has expired be transferred?

Can a worker whose Iqama has expired be transferred?

No, it is not possible to transfer the services of a worker whose Iqama has expired. Rather, Iqama must be renewed first and then the worker’s services can be transferred.