
Check Iqama Huroob Status Online

There are multiple ways to check Iqama Huroob Status Online in Saudi Arabia. This service is provided by the Absher digital platform, and the report can also be verified by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development using the residence number.

Check Iqama Huroob Status Online through Absher

You can check Iqama Huroob status through Absher platform, follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Go to Absher electronic platform “from here“.
  • Step 2: Log in to the platform by entering the following data:
    • Username.
    • Password.
  • Step 3: Click “Log in“.

Check Iqama Huroob Status Online through the Absher Digital platform

  • Step 4: Go to “Electronic Services“.
  • Step 5: Choose “Passport Service“.
  • Step 6: Choose “Expatriate Inquiry Service“.
  • Step 7: Enter the required inquiry data.

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Check Iqama Huroob Status through Ministry of Human Resources website

You can Check Iqama Huroob Status Online through the Ministry of Human Resources website, follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Go the expatriate employee inquiry service “from here“.
  • Step 2: Enter the “Residence Number” in the appropriate field.
  • Step 3: Click “Choose Nationality” and then select the nationality.
  • Step 4: Correctly input the visual verification code that shows on the screen.
  • Step 5: Press the “Search” symbol.

Check Iqama Huroob Status Online through the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development

Check Iqama Huroob Status link

You can check Iqama Huroob Status online in Saudi Arabia through the Ministry of Human Resources’ website via the link mol.gov.sa, and the Absher platform offers the option via the link absher.sa, to inquire by confirming the expatriate’s information.

In conclusion

The purpose of Saudi Arabia’s escape report inquiry service is to give employers the ability to inquire further and confirm if any action has been taken.

Questions & Answers

?How do I verify the Huroob report

?How do I verify the Huroob report

Huroob report can be verified through the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, or through the Absher electronic platform

?How to inquire about an expatriate’s absence using the residence number

?How to inquire about an expatriate’s absence using the residence number

You can inquire about an expatriate’s absence using the residence number via the single employee inquiry service on the Ministry of Human Resources website.

?Will someone who has an absconding report be deported

?Will someone who has an absconding report be deported

Yes, after the worker is arrested, he will be deported from Saudi Arabia with a final exit visa.

?Can the Huroob report be cancelled

?Can the Huroob report be cancelled

The Huroob report for domestic workers cannot be cancelled after 15 days of registering it on the Absher platform.

?What is the penalty for an Huroob report?

?What is the penalty for an Huroob report?

The penalty for an Huroob report is deportation from Saudi Arabia for 3 years.